Alpha 1.1 is out

We are happy to welcome you in the first alpha patch on friday may 11th !
If you want to try it, contact @FunArouGames on Twitter or join us on Discord

Current Version: v0.0.1.1

What's new ?
- Minions now have a dissolving effect when they die.
- Towers now have a spawning timer with an animation.
- New builder spell can be cast, it adds a shield to minions in the effect zone.
- There is now a victory-defeat event as soon as there is one player left alive.
- New earth tower models.
- New life tower models.
- New mage tower models.

What has changed ?
- Builder slowing spell reduces speed by 80% instead of 50%.
- 'Element' is now 'Mana'.
- Builder falling rock spell's area of effect is twice bigger.
- Minions shield uptime is now 4secs instead of 3secs.
- Quark tower models updated.

What has been fixed ?
- Sometimes minions didn't take damage.
- Sometime the game stops you as you move.
- Some projectiles are not disappearing fast enough.
- Revivable minions are not targetable by builder spells while they are dead.
- Forge tower buff is now properly activated.
- Clone tower destroys every owned clone properly.
- No more minions respawning at the center of the map.
- Dead revivable minions don't appear frozen anymore.
- Player can now see and teleport to other players' lane. (this need to be tested)

Have Fun !

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